Progressive Web App to showcase your favorite cocktails. Powered by a Contentful headless CMS.
I'm a software developer with an affinity for the web, dedicated to crafting great user experiences with proven technologies like React, Node.js, and SQL.
While I've used a wide variety of different languages, tools, and frameworks, my current favorites include: TypeScript, Remix, Tailwind CSS, Prisma, XState, Vite, Vitest, Playwright, ESLint, Prettier, Docker, and Git.
Progressive Web App to showcase your favorite cocktails. Powered by a Contentful headless CMS.
Statechart-driven static web application to replace a critical business process that was lost during a vended software transition.
SaaS application designed to secure critical infrastructure by preventing digital supply chain attacks in compliance with NERC CIP-010-3 and CIP-013 standards.
Custom-built GraphQL API to expose detailed information for all in-network locations and care providers in the Saint Alphonsus Health System.
GraphQLApolloNode.jsNGINXSequelizeMicrosoft SQL
Human Resources application for calculating initial offers to new hires based on a variety of contributing factors fed in from multiple external systems. Features a powerful but intuitive user interface.
ReactBootstrapWebSocketsHTTP APIMicrosoft SQL
A library providing an unofficial TypeScript SDK for the Have I been pwned? service. Available on the server (Node.js) and in the browser.
A command-line tool for querying the Have I been pwned? service. Explore breach data, search for your email address, or check if your favorite password has been exposed.
Certain characters in passwords ('O' and '0', 'I' and 'l', etc.) can be hard to identify when you need to type them in (and copy-paste is unavailable). Password Lense is a small web application that provides a quick and secure way to get a more informative view of your password.
Azure-native web application to replace a vended solution for tracking proper hand hygiene in a healthcare setting.
ReactRemixBootstrapAzure SQLDocker
Progressive Web App and underlying AWS Lambda function for selecting a raffle winner at a Meetup event.
ReactRemixTailwindMock Service Workeresbuild
React Native custom hook and render-prop component for scaling an Image
the parent View
React Native
Cross-platform mobile app for locating in-network care providers and facilities within the Saint Alphonsus Health System.
React NativeExpoGraphQLApolloAlgolia
HTTP API and administrative front-end (for submissions and analytics) designed to shorten long URLs using a custom, branded short domain.
A highly customized intranet platform and communication tool supporting approximately 10,000 users built upon SharePoint 2013.
SharePoint 2013C#ASP.NETRESTJavaScript